Home Products System and market analyses Forecasting and optimisation of RES production and energy storage systems


Forecasting and optimisation of RES production and energy storage systems

The Institute of Power Engineering, Gdańsk Division has extensive experience in forecasting and optimisation of RES production. The models are applied in analytical and research works carried out by the Division and they also constitute a product delivered to the Customers for their purposes. An implementation may include e.g. the following elements:


1. Applicable and pending formal and legal conditions

2. Installed RES capacity vs. connection capacity

3. Aggregation of various RES generation technologies and their aggregation with energy storage installations

4. Analysis of FPV potential power limitations

  1. FPV development area, taking into account the accessibility of the area for the foundation of the farm; restrictions related to the shading of the FPV area by the existing WF
  2. Competitiveness in access to WF and FPV power output infrastructure, taking into account the coincidence of meteorological conditions (historical data of the existing WF and the potential production from a new FPV)
  3. System topology of power output from WF; the possibility of using the WF internal network to connect FPV

5. Determination of available connection capacities for FPV

6. Variants of sharing the power output infrastructure by WF and the planned FPV

  1. Voltage level: HV, MV, LV
  2. Requirements for the power output coordination system
  3. Requirements for the provision of regulatory services of an aggregated generating unit
  4. Estimated financial projections of investments (WF / FPV / energy storage system).


Detailed information

Bogdan Czarnecki

(+48 58) 349-82-20


Soda Tworzenie stron www - agencjasoda.pl